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Oracle vs. PeopleSoft

The Untold Story of the hostile takeover of PeopleSoft.

Pete Bennett hired in November 2004 just months after his truck exploded on 680 near the Danville Police Department. On the third floor at 101 Ygnacio Valley Road are large Mormon family linked to the East Bay Mormon community connected to witness murder involving Southern Pacific Transportation, former Chairman Philip Anschutz, his senior counsel Attorney Rick Kopf. A Mormon who donates heavily to Mitt Romney.

Bennett vs SouthernPacifc »

Kinde Care Dublin

Not far from missing person Ilene Micheloff

Nathaniel Greenan

Son of Attorney James S. Greenan representing KinderCare

Kinder Care Modesto

Reasonable Distance to the residence of Scott Peterson's located on Covena Ave.

CEO Lawrence Investments

Vice President of Lawrences Investments
Pete Bennett plans to use the SEC Whistleblower regarding an incident with an employee of Lawrence Investments. Pete has identified the person but Bennett is often followed by FBI and State Agents.

The Owner of Lawrence Investments

Pete Bennett was a critical part of the hostile takeover of PeopleSoft.
101 Ygnacio Valley Road

CEO Pierre Nanterme

Died of cancer in early 2019 then after he passes by October Mr. Mark Herd passes of yet to be disclosed illness.
Sometime in 2014, Pete Bennett sent a series of letters to Fremont Group subsidiary of Bechtel Investments. Within minites Mr. Nanterme appears as a viewer on his profile. A fact that LinkedIn could easily verify.

CEO Mark Hurd

Former CEO of HP and Oracle passes way in 2019
Pete Bennett hired in a rather strange contract with SBC Global between June 2001 and September 2001 crosed over into the World Trade Center Bombings. During the summer a virus was circulating in the wild. While propagating slowly eventully in September it struck at exactly 9:31 AM from the SBC Global offices. The laptop came from PacBell when Peter A Darbee was the CFO. Bennett questioned his manager why so many servers were visible which he stated that someone should redo my Domain Login.
By Noon the virus was known as nimda which entered Windows 2000 Servers using IIS 5.00
The data that was destroyed links to the SEC investigation involving Enron lost when Building 7 went down during 9/11.

Free Julian Assange?

No think Vault 7 and Building Seven
For years the offical SANS story was Nimda had a signiture based in China and Russia so how did this end on my machine with a PacBell asset tag and how come my manager was from Ft. Hood but when Pete was hired to work the San Bruno Explosion why was his manager from Ft. Bliss where his son was facing 20 years in the brig?

Free Julian Assange?

No think Vault 7 and Building Seven
The somewhat obvious issue is when factoring in Bennett's history CIA Actor Porter Goss, his family connection to the Bush and Kennedy families with elements dating back to the formulation of the SEC in the 1940s.

Ian Murdock

Founder of Debian Linux, Developer at Salesforce
Marc Angelucci
Marc Angelucci (March 30, 1968 – July 11, 2020) was an American attorney, men's rights activist, and

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